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Requiem – fundraising

12Nov, 2016

Salvatore Robuschi is committed to promoting voluntary activities by funding  this event for Hospice Piccole Figlie Onlus, to support the Hospice of Parma and the Congregation of  Piccole Figlie.

It is the W.A. Mozart K626 Requiem concert, a very important music event.

The aim is the fundraising for the Hospice Piccole Figlie, attracting new volunteers.

This concert took part on 6th May 2016 in Milan, in the Cathedral with charitable purposes. It will be performed also on Saturday, the 12th November by the Orchestra and Choir of the Concertante for Strings of Milan, the Polyphonic Choir Ars Nova, the Polyphonic Choir San Leonardo Murialdo and three other polyphonic choirs, four soloists of the Teatro alla Scala in Milan, with a total staff of 250 artists. 

The Director is Maestro Mauro Ivano Benaglia.

Featuring a live appearance by Maestro Matteo Fedeli, a valuable first violinist, who will play a Stradivarius violin, we are convincing him to play a solo piece of music before the Requiem.

The admission to the concert is free, on a first come first served basis, with a fundraising  to the Hospice of the Piccole Figlie.

There was a favorable opinion from the Diocese of Parma, in the person of His Excellency Mons. Enrico Solmi, the Vestry and the Cathedral Chapter.

The fundraising will be entirely given to charity.

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